Thursday, November 8, 2007

Big Girls Don't Use Plural Pronouns Where Singular Ones Belong

Okay. I can't stand it. Not only do I destest the saccharine tone of Fergi's voice and veiling the infantalization of the feminine with something that tries to show "independence"---and this is the benefit of the doubt---but the lyrics actually saying "I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket" making me want to sharpen my battle axe. I think we can all agree that when one uses the article "a" with a singular noun behind it, like "child," that we must keep refering to it (notice the singular pronoun) as a singular noun. It does not suddenly spasm like a Gizmo into multiple beings. A child stays a child, or should. Fergi, I don't know if I'm spelling your name correctly, and frankly if I did know better, I'd misspell it on purpose. Someone like you doesn't reserve my respect. Not after this.

If you or someone you love has problems with pronoun-antecedent agreement, please, get help.


  1. oh that is the WORST SONG EVER.
    i'm so glad that we agree.

    maybe that's why we're in LOOOOOOVE.

  2. p.s. I don't think the song would be the same if she had to say, "I'm gonna miss you like a child misses his or her blanket." Sorry it's taken me two years to add that.
