Tuesday, January 8, 2008


So after I worked 5 hours or so on this rockin Introduce Yourself assignment (mandatory for online classes at MC evidently) I found out that, indeed, I actually do not get to create my own assignment. Instead I get to use the one they are giving me: create a bumper sticker mantra for your life and develop proof of its accuracy.---here is what I came up with:

Reduce, Reuse, Redefine

My world is colored with the idea that each person wields enormous power over others (whether she or he realizes it or does ‘good’ with it). I believe that a person’s family may not necessarily be that person’s friends but that friends are certainly family. I believe in recycling. I believe that Coke does taste better than Pepsi, that cats and dogs can get along, that Apples are better than PCs. I believe in the abilities of the NIH to find new help for old diseases. I believe in being a football watching lazy on the weekends. I believe in leaving home to understand how you feel about it. I believe in independent film, independent music, and independent thinking. I believe in continually redefining yourself. I believe that most of the time “we get out what we put in” and that there exists a deep sense of betrayal when we feel that this is not the case. I believe education transforms the world by opening windows. I like being a window opener.

The above paragraph is a belief statement patterned after Crash Davis’ “I believe” speech in the movie Bull Durham. It’s also an example of how I see and understand the world. My “I believe” statement is a random sampling of my thoughts about matters corresponding to varying levels of triviality and pertinence. Life also seems to be a series of minor and major occurrences, in no particular order but which seems to be ultimately (if not mysteriously) connected.

If my life were a car, the bumper might read Reduce, Reuse, Redefine, patterned after the 80s environmental slogan “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.” By using this phrase as a jumping off point I’m “reusing” something tried and true, something older which still means a lot to me and helps me focus my priorities. I’m connected to what I see is or has been the effort of Good in the past. Whether I’m revamping a syllabus or creating a new cookie recipe, I believe in seeking out the good from what has already been to help make the future better than the present.

As for the other two words in my slogan, ‘reduce’ and ‘redefine,’ I see reduction as a cutting principal on my life and redefinition like a brand new day. Reduction is what makes me want to find the only right word when I’m working on a piece of creative writing. Reduction is also what makes me battle my favorite store: Anthropologie. I want much more than I need. Redefining, by default, means to calculate again, to trace over taking into account new information, as if smoothing out the contours of a clay sculpture started a week ago. To me, redefining ourselves, our world, our views is the basis of learning. It’s what I mean when I say I am a life-long learner.

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